Charred Cotton Lamp Wick for Flint and Steel
What you get: A small ziplock bag with 4-5 pieces of charred lamp wick (Flint and Striker shown for Illustration onlyand are not included)
5 in stock
This is 100% cotton lamp wick which has been charred for use with traditional Flint and Steel fire making. 4-5 pieces per bag. Simply tear off a piece and place on your flint and strike with your carbon steel striker. Each piece should be able to make 2-3 fires. This is made from 3/4″ lamp wick and each piece is around 1″ in size. FYI I’ve been trying a bunch of different charred cotton and I’m liking the cotton wick the best so far. The ember lasts quite long and is easy to get to flame in a tinder bundle.
What you get: A small ziplock bag with 4-5 pieces of charred lamp wick
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